Our expertise

Cross Trade

Cross-trade is a transaction involving three parties: the seller, the buyer and an intermediary. Eachoperator is mostly located in a different country.

This trading technique can be summarized as follows: goods are delivered by the seller to hiscustomer directly by the last link in the industrial chain, the factory that manufactures the finishedproduct. The finished product is thus delivered to the final consignee directly from the place of production.

Cross trade shipment presents significant advantages: faster delivery of the goods, savings in logistical expenses and customs duties. However, it is a complex operation, which can sometimes bedifficult to manage.

Rely on our expertise in this field to manage your cross trade shipments safely, whether it is an intra-community or extra-community triangular operation.


The management of industrial projects is sensitive and requires a high level of know-how. Indeed, the slightest error mayhave unfortunate consequences and risk project’s successful excecution.

In this area, FMI Group has real expertise. We are a member of the WCA Project network. Weguarantee our customers controlled cost, time and risk.

To carry out your various projects successfully, we offer you a “door to door” solution, both for import and export, from and to any destination. We ensure all operations of the transport chain from the factory to the assembly site.


This part of the FMI Group’s activity is divided between import and export.

Concerning imports, FMI Group transports goods mainly from India, China and Malaysia. The transit isbetween the ports of Le Havre and Fos sur Mer. Clothing is usually transported directly on a hanger in specially designed containers (Hangertainer).

The export is mainly from Marseille to the Maghreb countries for products from France, Italy and Spain. When the goods are transported by trailer truck, they are first placed on pallets, thentransported by boat or plane to its final destination.


The transport of dangerous goods is strictly regulated and subject to declaration, regardless of the mode of transport chosen.

For these products, restrictions are imposed on the maximum length of time they are allowed to bestored in the loading area. These times vary according to the dangerousness of the product, between24 hours and 7 days before the arrival of the vessel that must transport them to their final destination. Such transport must first be approved as dangerous and is subject to special authorisation requestsfrom the captain’s office and the shipowner. Particular care is also taken when placing containers on the vessel.

FMI Group mainly and regularly transports this type of product (perfumes, aerosols, pharmaceuticalproducts, chemical products) to destinations as varied as Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, Morocco, Tunisia and Sudan. But our activity is not limited to these destinations.

We advise our clients on the documentation required and ensure the conformity of packaging. Wethen organize the shipment of the products in complete safety by choosing the most appropriatesolution.

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